Welcome to SmartStart

Switching insurance benefits to Harvard Pilgrim is easy and seamless with Harvard Pilgrim SmartStart. SmartStart eases the hassle and uncertainty of switching health insurance. We get employers and members up and running—even before their coverage starts.

Pre-enrollment support for members includes a call line to our prospective member call center for questions about specific benefits and coverage. And because choosing the right health plan option can be confusing for the member, our personalized decision support tool guides decisions about which plan to choose based on the member’s specific situation.*

New member experience

Uninterrupted care

End-to-end managed transition

Our new member welcome guide connects members and their families to services.

After enrollment, it takes members just 5 minutes to input their information through our guided welcome program and access their digital ID card. Our systems and staff make sure members get the right services to optimize health and well-being. Harvard Pilgrim SmartStart provides easy access to the best possible care and appropriate care management programs.


When completing our new member welcome guide, members will have:

Access to digital ID card (Apple Wallet compatible)

Confirmation of PCP or chance to choose one

Completed personal health assessment to help connect the member with services

Opportunity to access a Care Management Nurse for assistance

Information about how to get the most value out of their new plan

Our Harvard Pilgrim SmartStart transition experience centers on three core elements: superior experience, early member engagement, data capture.


For more information about SmartStart, call your Harvard Pilgrim account executive directly.