var ui;
ui = {
ui.field_city = "City";
ui.message_required = "Red asterisk indicates a required field.
ui.field_state = "State";
ui.field_anniversary = "Anniversary";
ui.errmsg_exception = "The server encountered an internal error during processing.";
ui.url_loginWellness = "/info/wellness-account-redirect/";
ui.message_password_rules = "
Must have at least 10
characters Must include 1 number Must not include your
first name, last name,
username, common
name or a common
dictionary word.";
ui.field_radio2 = "I am the spouse/partner/dependent of an employee of Point32Health and they are not a Harvard Pilgrim or Tufts Health Plan member through their employment at Point32Health.";
ui.title_create_UsernamePwd = "Create your Guest username and password";
ui.field_radio1 = "I am an employee of Point32Health but am not a Harvard Pilgrim or Tufts Health Plan member through my employment at Point32Health.";
ui.message_loginConnect = "Log into Guest Portal now.";
ui.message_username_rules = "Must be at least 7 letters
and/or numbers.";
ui.memberHome = "/info/wellness-account-redirect/";
ui.header_step6 = "STEP 6 OF 6";
ui.header_step5 = "STEP 5 OF 6";
ui.field_status = "Status";
ui.header_step4 = "STEP 4 OF 6";
ui.header_step3 = "STEP 3 OF 6";
ui.header_step2 = "STEP 2 OF 6";
ui.header_step1 = "STEP 1 OF 6";
ui.message_screen6 = "Enter the information, and then click Submit to process your request.";
ui.message_screen5 = "Enter your contact information, and then click Next.";
ui.message_screen4 = "Enter the verification code sent to your email address, and then click Next.";
ui.message_screen3 = "Enter your personal information, and then click Next.";
ui.message_screen2 = "Select the option that describes you, and then click Next.";
ui.message_screen1 = "A Guest account allows a non-member access to some secure functions on the Member website, such as wellness.
To create a guest account, enter the Program Code provided by the Employer, and then click Validate Program Code.";
ui.title_createAccount = "Create a guest account";
ui.title_accountCreated = "Your Guest account has been created";
ui.message_loginCreated = "Your Wellness account will be ready for use in the next 24 hours!";
ui.message_usernameCreated = "Your username is";
ui.field_primary_phone = "At least one primary phone number is required.";
ui.errmsg_step6 = "We have detected that you are member of Harvard Pilgrim with this Employer group, rather than a guest. You have not yet created a Guest account. Would you like to create a Guest account now?";
ui.errmsg_step5 = "We have detected that you are member of Harvard Pilgrim with this Employer group, and not a guest. You already have a Guest account. Would you like to log in now to your Guest account now?";
ui.errtitle_step6 = "Harvard Pilgrim member and not a guest";
ui.errmsg_step4 = "Please enter a valid verification code that was sent to the email address provided.";
ui.errtitle_step5 = "Member Portal member account exists";
ui.errmsg_step3 = "We have detected that you already have a Guest account. Would you like to log in now toyour Guest account now?";
ui.errtitle_step4 = "Invalid verification code";
ui.errmsg_step2 = "You must be 18 years or older to create a Guest account.
Click OK to return to the Members Home page where you can access features that do not require a Guest account.";
ui.errtitle_step3 = "Guest account already exists";
ui.errmsg_step1 = "The Program Code is invalid. Please verify the number with the employer and re-enter it.";
ui.errtitle_step2 = "Not eligible for a Guest account";
ui.errtitle_step1 = "Program Code is invalid";
ui.captcha_enabled = "N";
ui.userNameRegex = /^([A-Za-z0-9@_.\-])*$/;