3 Tips for Safe Fun in the Summer Sun

A few reminders to help minimize your skin cancer risk this summer

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, with nearly 5 million people treated each year. The good news is, most skin cancers can be prevented. Here are a few reminders to help minimize your risk and detect potential skin cancer early.

1. Protect yourself if you work outdoors

If you work outdoors, including in your own yard, you may be at greater risk for skin cancer. Remember to use plenty of sunblock—including on tops of ears, back of neck, hands, and exposed skin on top of head—and wear protective clothing.

2. Get regular skin screenings and checkups

During a skin cancer screening, a primary care doctor or a dermatologist1 will do a visual check to help find moles, birthmarks, or other marks that are unusual in color, size, shape, or texture.

3. Make skin safety part of your lifestyle

Here are a few ideas to make skin cancer prevention part of your everyday life:

  • Perform skin self-exams2, a good way to detect early skin changes that may mean melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer.
  • Leave sunblock in your bathroom, your kitchen, and your bag for convenient application (and re-application).
  • Consider buying sun-protective swimwear, clothing, and hats.

We hope you find these reminders helpful as you enjoy a healthy, fun, and safe summer!

1 A referral from a PCP may be necessary for dermatology appointments.
2 How to Do a Skin Self-Exam – American Cancer Society® website