Get reimbursed for what you do to be well.
Working toward your wellness goals doesn’t mean having to work out at a gym. With Harvard Pilgrim’s wellness reimbursement program, you can get money for fees you pay toward qualified:*
If you have coverage through an employer, you may be eligible for wellness or fitness reimbursement, but not both. Log in to your secure member account and check for “Wellness reimbursement” or “Fitness reimbursement” under “Ways to stay healthy.”
You qualify for wellness reimbursement if:
Individual plans: If you’re the only member covered on your plan, you can be reimbursed up to $150 per calendar year.
Family plans: Up to two covered members can be reimbursed up to $150 each, for a maximum reimbursement of $300 per calendar year.
Please note: You can submit only one reimbursement request per calendar year, no matter how many members are covered on your policy.
Program eligibility and benefits may vary by employer, plan and state. Check with your employer or call Member Services at 888-333-4742 (TTY: 711) for details.
You can submit a reimbursement request once per calendar year, any time after May 1. You must:
Be a current Harvard Pilgrim member and have been a member for at least four months
Have paid fees for at least four months in a calendar year for a qualified program or membership, or have purchased qualified cardiovascular or strength training equipment
You must submit your reimbursement request by March 31 of the following year for fees you paid during the previous year.
Please note: You can submit only one reimbursement request per calendar year, no matter how many members are covered on your policy.
Submit your reimbursement request online or Complete and mail the paper form. Please include copies of your receipts.
It can take up to eight weeks to receive your reimbursement check after you submit your request. We will make the check payable to the plan subscriber and mail it to the address we have on record for them.
Call Member Services at 888-333-4742 (TTY: 711).
* Program eligibility and benefits may vary by employer, plan and state, so be sure to check with your employer or health plan administrator to see if you’re eligible for the wellness reimbursement program. You must be currently enrolled in Harvard Pilgrim at the time of reimbursement. Wellness programs must be for at least four months in a current calendar year. Restrictions apply, and reimbursement is not available to all members. Reimbursement may be considered taxable income. For tax information, consult your employer or tax advisor.
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