Need help selecting a plan?

Harvard Pilgrim offers several types of health plans. Let us guide you in choosing the plan that is best for your needs.

Already a member?

If you already have a member account, logging in is your best option. You won’t have to select a plan type; get results for your plan quickly and easily.

If you don’t have a member account, you can create one here. Be sure to have the last 4 digits of your Social Security number or your Harvard Pilgrim ID number available.

To search without logging in to your member account, look at the upper right-hand corner of your ID card to see what type of plan you have. Then choose your plan from the list of options.

Member ID card with the plan type in the upper right hand corner highlighted


Not yet a Harvard Pilgrim member?

We’ll be happy to help you get started!

Call or email us today!

Call (888) 888-4742, TTY: 711 or email us for enrollment information.

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