The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. It’s not too late to get a flu shot, which is covered in full for Harvard Pilgrim members; there’s no extra cost. Learn more about flu prevention
Flu shots
The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. It’s not too late to get a flu shot, which is covered in full for Harvard Pilgrim members; there’s no extra cost. Learn more about flu prevention
Causes, treatments & resources
Pain is your body's way of warning you that something may be wrong. Pain can affect your emotions as well as your body. When pain lasts longer than three months it’s called chronic pain.
Chronic pain can occur anywhere in your body. It can range from being mild and annoying to being so bad that it gets in the way of your daily activities.
Anyone can get chronic pain. It's more common in older adults, but it's not a normal part of aging. Older adults are more likely to have long-term medical problems, such as diabetes or arthritis, that can lead to ongoing pain.
Chronic pain can develop after a major injury or illness. It may also occur because certain brain chemicals aren’t working correctly. Sometimes damaged nerves can cause pain. Or the brain may become more sensitive to the feeling of pain or touch. Sometimes the cause of chronic pain isn't known.
Over-the-counter pain medicines may help with chronic pain. If your pain doesn't get better, there are other things you can try, such as stronger medicine or counseling. It's important to make a treatment plan with your health care provider. It may take several types or combinations of treatments before you find relief.
Harvard Pilgrim provides coverage for many FDA-approved prescription non-opioid drug products that are effective pain management alternatives and have a lesser potential for misuse than opioid drug products.*
We also support a wide range of evidence-based treatments for pain management as alternatives to opioids:
* Not all employer-sponsored plans offer Harvard Pilgrim prescription drug benefits. Refer to plan documents for details on your coverage.
Page source: © 2016-2023 Healthwise, Incorporated. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor.
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