The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. It’s not too late to get a flu shot, which is covered in full for Harvard Pilgrim members; there’s no extra cost. Learn more about flu prevention
Flu shots
The number of seasonal flu cases is high and keeps rising. It’s not too late to get a flu shot, which is covered in full for Harvard Pilgrim members; there’s no extra cost. Learn more about flu prevention
Perimenopause is the span of years before menopause when your hormone levels and menstrual periods become irregular. It may be called going through menopause.
After 1 year of having no periods, you've reached menopause (usually around age 50). In the years before menopause, changing hormone levels can cause symptoms. You may have mild symptoms. Or you might have severe symptoms that affect your sleep and daily life. Symptoms can include:
Symptoms related to mood and thinking may also happen around the time of menopause. These include memory problems, trouble concentrating, depression, anxiety, or mood swings.
Did you know that Harvard Pilgrim has partnered with Ovia Health to offer support for women before, during and after menopause? Take advantage of expert advice, resources and access to certified menopause practitioners today.
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